However, if you live in a country where piracy laws are lenient, then you don’t have to worry that much about the consequences if you don’t use a VPN. Using a VPN is a suggested best practice to ensure you won’t be caught. The more you illegally download, the higher the risk of getting discovered would be. Then, if they realize that you are downloading a product that needs to be paid for, they might send you a warning or they might take it more seriously depending on the piracy laws where you live and the company’s own standards. Your Internet Service Provider will be able to see what you are downloading if you do not use a VPN. Q: Do I need to use a VPN to torrent The Sims 3? Check out this article for a list of free torrent clients you could use. The client I used in this tutorial is qBittorrent. Using a torrent client is how you download and open torrent files. I’m walking you through how I did it, so that you can do it too! These are the steps I took to torrent The Sims 3 from games4theworld successfully. Context: I’m a casual gamer who hasn’t ever really p*rated any content before.